Chimpanzees, Coffee and Conservation – The Bulindi Connection
Thanks to a group of Friends of Chimps donors, an innovative program that connects education, reforestation and chimpanzee conservation, is making big strides towards conserving a major population of 300 wild chimpanzees in unprotected habitat in western Uganda.

Wendy, a chimpanzee monitored and protected by BCCP in the Hoima district of Uganda.
The Bulindi Chimpanzee & Community Project (BCCP), established in 2014, focuses on supporting local people who share their environment with the chimpanzees. It does so by offering sustainable livelihoods, investing in children’s education, and improving quality of life. The project helps people sustainably manage their forests, increases their tolerance of chimpanzees, and monitors Hoima’s chimpanzees so as to enhance their welfare and survival.
“Supporting this passionate team has been exciting,” according to Friends of Chimps Treasurer, Nancy Merrick. “Just two years ago, they were helping a single chimpanzee group, and running just one tree nursery. But two years later, there are 5 tree nurseries, daily monitoring of 4 chimp groups, and local people are benefitting from better water sources, educational support, wood lots and chimp-friendly coffee to plant. Our donors to this project can feel the satisfaction that their contributions are making a world of difference.”
CLICK HERE to learn more about and support the Bulindi Chimpanzee and Community Project as they keep expanding their efforts in 2019. And a huge thanks to all those who have been supporting this project from the beginning, Your donations make a significant and tangible impact.