Super Storms Hit Ngamba Island

Friends of Chimps

Ngamba Island has been slammed by super storms. The main camp compound on the Island is flooded, waves are coming over the retaining wall and the shoreline continues to wash away.

As an island, everything obviously arrives at the Sanctuary via boat. Food. Staff. Supplies. Everything. The storms have wreaked havoc at Ngamba. Heavy, heavy rains, rising waters and powerful waves in Lake Victoria have destroyed part of the Sanctuary’s only boat dock ans washed away part of the landing forcing everyone to rely on a makeshift bridge of sandbags.

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Thankfully, no one has been injured during the storms, but the mess left behind is a serious challenge for the Sanctuary and the staff who care for the chimpanzees. The storms have made basic, day-to-day operations at Ngamba harder and more dangerous.

The Sanctuary contacted us at to request emergency funding for repairs. We want to ensure that everyone stays safe and that boat deliveries stay on track.

The emergency fund is critical to maintain sanctuary operations, keep staff sleeping quarters above water, protect the fence line and rebuild the dock area where food, supplies and staff  arrive at the island. The storms have separated the dock  landing from shore by at least a meter already!

The Sanctuary actually needs $20,000, but the great news is that we’ve already secured the first $5,000 so we’re only asking you to help us raise an additional $15,000. Please donate now.  Together, we can take on this challenge to help the Sanctuary through the Emergency Storm Fund.

The money from this campaign will help both people and chimps stay safe and protected during this unprecedented El Niño year.  Thank you for your consideration. Every donation helps us reach our goal and please share with your friends.

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